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 about us


I learned how to bake when I was a little girl from watching and helping my dad and aunt at our farm on the weekends. The smell of brown sugar and butter would hit you as soon as you opened the door and it just felt like home. I can close my eyes now as I bake in my own kitchen and it takes me back. Throughout the years, I’ve enjoyed baking here and there for my family at holidays. I only decided to pursue this little bakery after welcoming my little girl (who is now not so little) in hopes of sharing that same feeling with her and now her younger sister. 


It sounds so cliche to say but I thoroughly love what I do. I love the way that desserts have this mysterious way of bringing back a certain feeling or memory especially during the holidays. In general, my husband and I have fairly small holidays with our little family gathered around the table. But, when you really think about it, our holidays are the busiest and our table is the biggest… because you all gracefully invite us to join your table. You put those cookies, bars, and rolls in your favorite place surrounded by your favorite people and I can’t thank you enough for letting us be apart of that. Thank you for saving us a spot at your table and allowing us to celebrate with you.


see our menus

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